A while back I tried my hand at animating Jim (back when I was drawing him with three fingers). Here he is walking on the wild side. (He walks around the world pretty fast.) JimCornWalk Last night my wife was reading before bed and I, my mind still buzzing, started blurting out all kinds of […]
Archive for January, 2011
5 items.
Was interviewed today at PPAI headquarters (Promotional Products Association International) and got a tour of their building and promotional products museum display. For those who don’t know, promotional products (also known as swag, chotchkies, giveaways, etc.) are those free items you get with a business logo on them. As I look around my office, I […]
MMMM! Hoo-Hah Snack Cakes! Since they don’t exist, I think I’ll have to get me some Hostess Ho-Ho’s sometime. Back in elementary school (when our Moms would pack them in our lunches), we used to try to take off all of the chocolate and then unroll the Ho-Ho cake without breaking it. Yeah, we had […]